Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting our website. If you use our Website you agree you have read our terms and conditions and you agree to them. These terms and conditions and your use of this Website are governed by the laws of Spain and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you are not authorised to use this Website.

You can print off and keep a copy of these terms. They are a legal agreement between you and My Lawyer in Spain and can only be modified with our consent. We reserve the right to change the terms at our discretion by changing them on the Website.

Please read the terms and conditions below:


Information about our products and services on the Website are for general information only and do not take account of personal circumstances and may not reflect recent changes in the law.

The information on the Website refers only to the laws of Spain.

Specialist advice from qualified abogados before taking, or not, any action is recommended.

Disclaimers & Exclusion Of Liability

Although care is taken to ensure that the information on our Website is correct and up to date, we cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. In particular, certain articles may be out of date.

We exclude to the extent lawfully permitted all liability for loss or damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential as a result of your use this Website.

All of our online products are prepared in draft format and subject to review prior by us to your signature.

The Website contains links to other websites not operated or controlled by us. If you use these links, you will leave the Website. These links are provided for convenience only and do not constitute a recommendation by My Lawyer in Spain of the organisation promoted on the linked websites, their products or services. We do not have any control over such linked websites or the content of them and cannot accept any responsibility for them.

We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial of service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Website.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights of all material on the Website (including, without limitation, text, draft documents, images and articles) are owned by My Lawyer in Spain unless otherwise stated and your use of them is limited as set out below.

You may create links to the Website but must not frame the Website on any other site nor may you create a link to any part of the Website other than the home page without our prior written consent.

Ask us for a Quote

We know you will want to know how much your legal advice will cost, so we are committed to confirming costs of our services to you in writing.

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