My Lawyer in Spain - Madrid Office
C/ Orense nº 25, 6ºB Dcha. 28020 Madrid
Telephone numbers:
Calling from the UK: 0845 508 2395
Calling from Spain: 951 203 094 (International code for Spain +34)
Fax number: 951 203 095
C/ Orense nº 25, 6ºB Dcha. 28020 Madrid
Calling from the UK: 0845 508 2395
Calling from Spain: 951 203 094 (International code for Spain +34)
Fax number: 951 203 095
We know you will want to know how much your legal advice will cost, so we are committed to confirming costs of our services to you in writing.
“My thanks to everyone for completing our Wills so quickly. Excellent service which I shall recommend to all our friends in Spain.”