Ask My Lawyer in Spain Online!

25 March 2020 | Tags: , , ,

In response to the current ‘state of alarm’, My Lawyer in Spain are pleased to announce a series of free online webinars called ‘Ask My Lawyer in Spain’.

In these webinars, their team of English Lawyers and Spanish Abogados will answer any questions you may have about you and the Law in Spain in general and the unfolding legal implications of this crisis. We also invite selected businesses to come and share their knowledge too.

You are most welcome to participate and if you have a question that you would like asked please submit your questions before the calls to

Alex Radford, founding Partner of My Lawyer in Spain said

“We realise this is a worrying time for many people living and working in Spain and owning Spanish property so we are pleased to offer the free question and answer session to respond to the concerns of foreigners living in Spain during these unprecedented times.”

To join the webinars on your PC or device, just follow this link to Zoom and enter the password 315502. The webinar will be opened at 14:55 on the days of the webinars. More information about the events can be found via Facebook here.

Ask my Lawyer in Spain

If you are not able to join the calls, please note that you can contact the My Lawyer in Spain team for a free introductory 30-minute consultation via skype, Whatsapp or phone – contact us.

Alex Radford

Written by:
Alex Radford

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Thank you to all your colleagues for making the purchase of the apartment in Torreblanca so easy and stress-free for my wife and myself.

Mr Geary