Our Blog is designed to keep you up to date with developments of Spanish law and news.

You will also find some of our Top Tips for different areas of law to give you some key advice when requiring legal services in Spain. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like to discuss a matter further, please contact us.


How will Brexit affect You in Spain?

How will Brexit affect You in Spain?

14 March 2017 | Tags: , , ,

Brexit means Brexit said Theresa May. The Brexit Bill has passed through the Houses of Parliament and Article 50 is expected to be invoked imminently.


Head of Parque Animal shelter in Torremolinos Convicted for Cruelty

6 February 2017

The New year started with the conviction of Carmen Marin Aguilar and Felipe Barco Gamez from the animal shelter in Torremolinos for cruelty to animals in their care. The pair were accused of killing more than 2000 healthy cats and dogs between January 2009 and October 2010 in a way that provoked prolonged pain and agony for the animals.


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