Interview with Castro Punto Radio about Brexit

23 February 2020 | Tags: ,

Eoin McGirr is an Irish lawyer and professor at the University of Deusto Law School. He is based and registered in Castro for 7 years, runs our office based in the Basque region and specialises in matters related to “Brexit”.

On 6 February, he talked to Castro Punto Radio about the consequences of United Kingdom leaving the European Union, both for Spanish citizens residing there and for British citizens who live in Spain. The articles is below:-

“The departure was made effective on January 31, but its effects are not immediate. Professor McGirr  advised that a negotiation process is now opened which, if there are no extensions granted, must end on December 31 of this year. In this process the new commercial and political relationship between Great Britain and the Union must be established, which will inevitably affect the mobility of its citizens although some aspects have already been clarified.

Currently many of these people are already regularising their situation, depending on how long they have been living, and working in Spain. The ultimate effect, in any case, will be that to travel between both destinations it may be necessary to stamp the travellers passport.  To stay for 3 months, a special permit will be necessary. And if it is for a longer time, a residence permit or work contract will be requited.

Professor McGirr was also asked what would happen with Erasmus scholarships and freight traffic. And also of the conflict that is opening in the United Kingdom, since Northern Ireland is associated with Great Britain but the Republic of Ireland is not and will continue to belong to the European Union. “Today you can go from Dublin to Belfast without crossing any border,” he told us, expressing concern about the “new border” that must be established between the two countries that somewhat reminds of the conflict experienced in the past.

The programme was broadcast in Spanish on”

Article in Spanish here

Alex Radford

Written by:
Alex Radford

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