A Place in the (Spanish) Sun

6 September 2017 | Tags: , ,

As has been reported in recent press articles, BREXIT appears to have had no impact on Britons buying property abroad, with “55% still wanting to buy a second home in Europe.” And in fact 10% have stated they are now “more likely” to be moving overseas, rather than stay within the UK.

With this in mind, Alex and Isabel are heading again to two events being organised by A Place in the Sun.

A Place in the Sun

We will be heading to Birmingham on 22-24 September and Glasgow 28-29 October

The team will be sharing insights and the key facts about buying a property in Spain:-

Friday 22nd September, Birmingham 11.45 – 12.30 Buying property in Spain – the key facts
Saturday 23rd September, Birmingham 13.30 – 14.15 Buying property in Spain – the key facts
Sunday 24th September, Birmingham 12.00 – 12.45 Buying property in Spain – the key facts

If you would like FREE tickets for either of these two events, please click on the below image for the events.


We look forward to meeting you and supporting the purchase of your Place in the Spanish Sun!

Alex Radford

Written by:
Alex Radford

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