Our Blog is designed to keep you up to date with developments of Spanish law and news.

You will also find some of our Top Tips for different areas of law to give you some key advice when requiring legal services in Spain. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like to discuss a matter further, please contact us.


Buying a Bank Repossessed Spanish Property

Bank Repossessed Property in Spain

13 September 2018 | Tags: , , ,

Alex Radford shares his tips on buying a residential property from Solvia, the real estate arm of Banco Sabadell.


How would a ‘No deal’ Brexit affect British Owners of Spanish Property?

11 September 2018 | Tags: , ,

On 29 March 2019, the UK is expected to leave the EU, with or without a deal. What could be the affects of a ‘no deal’ Brexit on British owners of Spanish Property in Spain?


Germans Buying Property in Spain

Germans Buying Property in Spain

2 September 2018 | Tags: , , , ,

The market of German people purchasing property in Spain has been a healthy one for many years, German capital and tourists helped to create the Spanish residential tourist boom.


Making Good Irregular Properties with DAFO in Spain

Irregular Properties in Spain

22 August 2018 | Tags: , , ,

What happens when you purchased country properties many years ago have since found that in planning terms they were little more than farm buildings or cottages on a dirt track?


Pressures on Spanish Housing

Holiday Home in Spain

10 August 2018 | Tags: , ,

Spain does not have enough accommodation for its own population nor to meet the high demand created by the boom in ‘residential tourism’; the result of this will be to make good property in Spain a valuable investment.


Brexit Affect on the Spanish Property Market

The Brexit Affect on the Spanish Property Market

9 July 2018 | Tags: , ,

The British led the foreigners buying in Spain with 15.01% total property sales, despite Brexit.


Regulation for the Real Estate Sector in Spain

Regulation for Real Estate Agents in Spain

6 July 2018 | Tags:

Guidelines have now been issued for real estate agents in parts of Spain. Here’s our overview of how the new regulations could look and the changes ahead.


Real Estate Seminar

5 things you need to know about the Floor Clause

24 May 2018 | Tags: ,

We are excited to invite Costa del Sol Estate Agents to join our full morning of Real Estate Updates for the Spanish Market!  This FREE event will take place on 21 June 2018 at La Sala Banus in Puerto Banus. 


You and the Law in Spain

David Searl, You & the Law in Spain

24 April 2018 | Tags: , ,

David Searl’s ‘You & the Law in Spain’, updated regularly for the past 30 years, has been re-launched by its new publisher and co-author, Alex Radford. The book is the ‘complete and readable guide to Spanish Law for foreigners’.


5 things you should know about the floor clause

5 things you need to know about the Floor Clause

9 October 2017 | Tags: , , , ,

Much has been written recently about the floor clause (Clausula Suelo) in Mortgages. My Lawyer in Spain investigate what this is and how you can find out if you have one.


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