Our Blog is designed to keep you up to date with developments of Spanish law and news.
You will also find some of our Top Tips for different areas of law to give you some key advice when requiring legal services in Spain. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like to discuss a matter further, please contact us.
Spain is Breaking all the Records
As the Spanish news headlines tell us that 2017 is set to break all of the previous tourism records, it is a good time to reflect on why and what is so good about Spain in 2017 that makes it possible.
What is “PLUSVALIA” and how much do you need to pay?
On 21 December 2016 when everyone was getting ready for Xmas and the El Gordo Lottery, the Supreme Court of Andalucia surprised the Spanish legal world! A company had purchased some land for 14.2 million euros and had been ordered to pay the sum of 185.025 euros in plusvalia even though the land had been sold at a loss for just 3,5 milion euros.
When “Brexit means Brexit”
Historic letter from Theresa May starts the two year negotiation process for the UK to leave the EU.
My Lawyer in Spain heading to A Place in the Sun!
For the 8th year running, My Lawyer in Spain will be again taking a stand at A Place in the Sun Exhibition taking place from 5 – 7 May in Olympia, London.
How will Brexit affect You in Spain?
Brexit means Brexit said Theresa May. The Brexit Bill has passed through the Houses of Parliament and Article 50 is expected to be invoked imminently.
MLS involved in organising visit of HM British Ambassador to Spain
MLS were proud to be involved in organising the recent visit of Simon Manley CMG, HM British Ambassador to Spain, to the English Cemetery in Malaga and to the Brexit Conference in Marbella.
MLS to participate in focus group on Brexit organised by the British Consulate
We are proud to have been invited to attend the Focus Group on Brexit organised by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO).
The Benefits of a Spanish Will
Do you own assets in Spain? A bank account, shares, car or property? Watch our video on the benefits of having a Spanish will. If you would then like to discuss your Spanish will requirements, contact the MLS team for a free & private consultation.
Information for Floor Clauses in Spanish Mortgages
Do you have a Spanish mortgage? Does it have a floor clause? If so, you maybe entitled to a claim against your bank for the interest that has been charged.
All Your Brexit Questions Answered
View the interview between HM British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley CMG and our Alex Radford, where Mr Manley answers Brexit questions affecting British businesses and residents in Spain with optimism and honesty.