Our Blog is designed to keep you up to date with developments of Spanish law and news.
You will also find some of our Top Tips for different areas of law to give you some key advice when requiring legal services in Spain. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like to discuss a matter further, please contact us.
Immigration and Residence Requirements

Immigration and Residence Requirements in Spain for UK Nationals in 2021
Ask My Lawyer about Renting in Spain

All you need to know about renting a property in Spain, from a legal perspective, whether you are a Landlord, or a Tenant.
EU Regulations – Brexit, currency transfers and the law

Of particular note to people making international money transfers is the fact that UK financial service firms lost their financial services passports on 1st January 2021.
Planning a Spanish Property Purchase

Alex Radford joins Costa Blanca property expert Paul Payne of Masa International to talk through a checklist of things that buyers can do to plan ahead and prepare themselves prior to visiting Spain to find their Spanish property.
Advice about Moving to Spain after Brexit
Advice about moving to Spain after Brexit for UK Nationals
Events around Brexit
We are delighted to be taking part in two events between now and the end of 2020 (and the transition period) so you can keep up to date with the information as it is announced.
Latest Updates from the UK Government for S1 holders

UK nationals who are living in Spain or move to Spain permanently before the end of 2020, will see their rights to access healthcare in Spain stay the same from 1 January 2021 for as long as they remain resident.
Updates from British Embassy – October 2020

Updates aimed at helping UK Nationals to ensure they are ready for the end of the Transition Period from the British Embassy.
Brexit – Are you ready for the end of the transition period?

The Webinar is aimed at UK Nationals living in Spain and we will talk about how you can get ready for the end of the transition period, residency, the new TIE card and the benefits of having a Spanish will.
Moving to Spain & Getting Residency

Moving to Spain, finding the right location, budgeting for a move and the hot topic of gaining residency post-Brexit.